Welcome to my little corner of the web. I've maintained this site since 1997. The web has changed a lot since then, but this place really hasn't. I keep thinking one of these days I'm going to give it a major overhaul, bring it into the 21st century, but others projects always seem to take priority. Someday maybe I'll have a bunch of spare time.
A little about me
I'm a writer. OK, so that's not my job title. I have a day job as a computer programmer for the Johnson County Library in Overland Park, Kansas. Writing, though, is my true vocation.
My first published article appeared in Planet Kansas, the newsletter of the Kansas Sierra Club, in December, 1999. The article was titled Stopping Christmas Shopping, and featured 15 tips for "winning the fight against holiday consumerism". It wasn't high quality literature, but it was printed with real ink on real paper. Planet Kansas, I knew, would take any articles they could get, from anyone who took the time to submit them. But that didn't matter to me. When I saw my name in a byline, I knew I could be a writer.
My latest article is The Greinke Trade That Never Happened published at Royals Review.
You can find links to more of my stuff below. Also, check out the archives of my blogs, Squish Like Grape (2015-2021) and it seems to me… (2005-2010).
Quote of the day February 15th, 2025
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. |
Quotes were collected from several sources, including The Quotations Page, Quoteland, Brainy Quote, Wise Old Sayings, and Curated Quotes, but I've also received a number of quotes from individuals. Email me at bruce(dot)allen(dot)alderman (at) gmail(dot)com if you've got one you'd like to see here.
I am a moderate Christian and a member of Grace United Methodist Church in Olathe, Kansas.
I am a 1992 graduate of Bethany College. I enjoy reading, playing the piano, hiking, gardening, and playing chess. If you're a chess player, feel free to challenge me to a game at I play there under the username aardvark92.
Although I'm a lifelong Kansas resident of more than four decades, I have only once seen a tornado.
Selected Writings
Image Manipulation with HTML5 Canvas: A Sliding Puzzle | SitePoint | January 2012 | |
Exploring the HTML5 canvas by building a simple game | |||
Jugo de PiƱa | Travel Backpacker | May 2004 | |
Finding my way in a foreign country. | |||
Who Is My Neighbor? | | March 2018 | |
A modern retelling of Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan | |||
I Want You to Have This Hat | Get Lost Magazine | June 2002 | |
How could I say no? | |||
The God Delusion: A Source Criticism | Associated Content | November 2007 | |
Who was the real author of Dawkins' book? | |||
Royals' Power Struggles in Perspective | Royals Review | May 2014 | |
Analyzing the Isoloated Power numbers of the league's least powerful team | |||
Randomizing Sliding Puzzle Tiles | SitePoint | May 2013 | |
A followup to the sliding puzzle tutorial | |||
Taxi! | Get Lost Magazine | February 2004 | |
Next time, I'd rather hitchhike. | |||
Pity the Sad Rich White Cartoonist | | October 2016 | |
A peek into the mind of Dilbert author Scott Adams | |||
The Royals' Pitching Woes | Baseball Reflections | September 2012 | |
The season started with such high hopes… | |||
Adding a Poll to Your Web Site | | June 2005 | |
A simple way to make your site more dynamic |
My JavaScript tutorials have been used to create puzzles in the Nimian Legends online game.
You might also have seen some of my work at Wikipedia, where I've written a handful of pages and have made more than 500 edits since June of 2006.
This site has had
visitors since December 22, 1997.